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Anchor 1

Issue 02: I.M. Pei in Cairo - CALL FOR PAPERS

The PAX Monographs editorial team is pleased to announce the second issue in the series: I.M. PEI in CAIRO.


For the second issue we look into the narratives around I.M. Pei and his work by situating the architect and his international language of pyramids, ziggurats and pharaonic buildings in their place of origin: Egypt. Pei in Cairo examines the readings of these forms and the architect’s career once it becomes contextual in a place where they may be read as local rather than as part of a repertoire of international monumentality. Situating Pei in Cairo - the ‘Mother of the World’ - asks what context, monumentality and heritage mean for the built environment today.


Abstract Submissions: (250-350 word abstract required; drawings or sketches welcome)

Abstracts Due: November 30th, 2021.



Call for Papers PDF

Anchor 2

Issue 01: Andrea Palladio in Los Angeles

'Andrea Palladio in Los Angeles' is a monograph of fifteen new Palladian projects set in present-day Los Angeles.  Accompanied by critical essays and meticulously redrawn projects from Palladio's seminal text, "I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura," the publication examines Los Angeles' complex urban and cultural context through the guise of Palladian proportion, typology, and ideology.


Andrea Palladio is known equally for his built work as he is for his written work, the influence of which is clearly felt on the course of architecture in America. Despite the fact that he was born less than two decades after the discovery of America and would, quite clearly, never build in Los Angeles, this publication offers suggestions of what might have been had Palladio made it to the Pacific.


The inaugural issue of PAX, "Andrea Palladio in Los Angeles," will deal with these two historically distant but thematically intimate topics in search of a richer and more productive reading of both.


Contributor List: Patrick Herron, Wes Hiatt, Patrick Burke, Stephanie Koltun, Claire Kuang, Raffy Mardirossian, Tatjana Crossley, Ali Ismail Karimi, Noam Saragosti, Juhee Park, Gabriel Yeganyan, Konstantinos Charzaras, Emma Silverblatt, Meaghan Murray, Benzion Rodman, Maria Letizia Garzoli, and Paul Matevosyan.


Art and Cover Screenprint: Jack Longstreth

Copy Editor: Christie Hayden

Printshop: Petit, Lublin


Kickstarter Link

Anchor 3


PAX Monographs is a 10 issue series which reconceptualizes the architecture monograph from a retrospective exercise into a projective assertion, and in doing so proposes a productive reading of history. By pairing past architects with contemporary cities, the publication translates seminal work in unintended contexts to question the critical relationship between architecture and its cultural setting, offering potential answers in the form of new projects. By examining one through the guise of the other, we claim that a richer reading of both is uncovered. 


The publication will revisit seemingly definitive bodies of knowledge to challenge their immutability within the discipline, creating both an archive of existing reference projects, and a collection of new work that can serve as a platform for future work.


PAX Monographs places history not as a distant reference, but a generative tool, and in doing so invites curiosity about buildings, cities, and ideas.


Graphic Design

Mark Owens

Andrew Walsh Lister



McNally Jackson Books, New York City

Arcana: Books on the Arts, Los Angeles

Hennessey + Ingalls, Los Angeles

William Stout Architectural Books, San Francisco

Canadian Centre for Architecture Bookstore, Montreal

Prosper International Books, Taipei

artlecta, Guadalajara

Anchor 4


For general inquiries:


Follow us on Instagram @paxmonographs​


PAX Monographs was established in 2017 by Raffy Mardirossian, Paul Matevosyan, Ali Karimi, and Daniela Leon.










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